New Kiwi Fishing Technology Gets Approval

Tuesday, 21 May 2019, 12:34 pm
Press Release: Precision Seafood Harvesting
21 May 2019
PSH Media Release
New Kiwi Fishing Technology Gets Approval For Snapper, Tarakihi, Trevally, Red Gurnard and John Dory
The future of fishing: Snapper in the new Precision Seafood Harvesting technology, that’s now approved for commercial use on both inshore and deep water species.
The revolutionary new Precision Seafood Harvesting fishing technology has notched up another milestone toward becoming an alternative commercial future fishing method for many New Zealand fish species.
But those working on the programme say while they have come a long way in developing the new way to fish, they have only ‘hit the tip of the iceberg’ in terms of what this could do for putting high-value sustainable fish on the table for consumers while looking after fish stocks and protecting marine mammals.
After seven years of trials by the programme, Fisheries New Zealand has approved the use of the new kiwi developed technology, known as the Modular Harvest System (MHS), in North Island inshore fisheries for snapper, tarakihi, trevally, red gurnard, and john dory with specific conditions.
Precision Seafood Harvesting is a $48 million, 7-year programme between the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and three fishing companies; Moana New Zealand, Sealord Group and Sanford Limited, to develop a new fishing technology based on science from Plant & Food Research.