NZ Seafood Sustainability Award Finalists 2020

Operational Innovation Award
- CRA8 Rock Lobster Industry Association Inc
- Precision Seafood Harvesting
- Richard Wells – Resource Wise
The Lee-Fish Limited Award for Market Innovation and Value Added
- Awatoru Enterprises Ltd.
- Better Fishing
- Gravity Fishing
- The New Zealand King Salmon Co Ltd.
Kaitiakitanga Award
- CRA8 Rock Lobster Industry Association Inc
- Aaron McCloy – Papa Taiao Earthcare
- Richard Wells – Resource Wise
- Scott and Sue Tindale
Emerging Leader Award
- Josh Wyber – High Country Salmon
- Maegen Blom – Mills Bay Mussels
- Nate Smith – Gravity Fishing
The finalists of the Supreme Sustainability Award and Minister of Fisheries’ Award are confidential and the winners will be announced on the evening.